Fighting Sleep Apnea And Insomnia. Sleep apnea and insomnia have risen sharply in recent years due mostly to a lack of exercise and a poor diet as well as from over working and living stressful lives. Fighting sleep apnea and insomnia should be the goal of every person who finds themselves at risk of getting this. Sleep apnea and insomnia tend to go together because of the nature of the similar symptoms. Also Sleep apnea and insomnia are usually treated at the same time. Sleep apnea is the major cause of insomnia. Because of this, doctors can now offer better treatment for people instead of just giving out prescriptions for insomnia. Sleep apnea is caused by not getting enough air into the body during inhalation. People with sleep apnea usually snore loudly and they may wake up numerous times in the night. Without treatment the sleep apnea can cause insomnia because of a lack of good sleep. People are constantly interrupted during sleep by waking up. The person may feel extra tired during the day. They can also be irritable because of the lack of sleep. It is important for the doctor to find out if someone has sleep apnea or just insomnia. Sleep apnea and insomnia can be checked with an overnight stay in a clinic. The doctor can explain all of the areas being tested and afterwards can recommend the best course of action for the individual. Allowing Sleep Apnea And Insomnia Some people are afraid to go see a doctor about anything. If there is a possibility that a person has sleep apnea and insomnia, they are risking a lot by not seeing the doctor. Sleep apnea can in rare cases cause death. A person might just not take the next breath and die in their sleep. It does happen and people need to be aware of it. It can cause other problems with a person\'s body also. High blood pressure can rise if the body is working too hard to get the air it needs but cannot get it. With high blood pressure comes the risk of having a heart attack. The test for sleep apnea and insomnia is easy to perform and the person only has to sleep. When the person wakes up in the morning, they can go eat breakfast and go home. The doctor will call later with all of the results. There isn\'t a good reason not to get tested. It might just save one\'s life.
Fighting Sleep Apnea And Insomnia.
Meaning of Insomnia What Causes Insomnia: Insomnia Help Insomnia Treatment